With the digital revolution, the Lvido economy, which is made up of paternal values, recedes and opens a comfortable ‘mom era’ with the maternal value of dopamine.

Part 6. The political philosophy of the mother                   democracy


Chapter 1. Introduction


After the emergence of the paternal society, women, who have fallen into sexual slavery, are concerned about a new crisis for women as the capitalist system of modern society commodifies humans and sexual depravity prevails and lives in today’s advanced science and technology era.

Considering that some are concerned about this phenomenon and expressing it as a barbaric society disguised as civilization, a philosophical review will be needed for why this phenomenon is triggered and there is no way to improve it. First of all, let’s start with a brief introduction to the life of Ok-soon (pseudonym), the protagonist of the tragic life of a poor prostitute in her late 30s who refused to be named.


1. A strange fate


Ok-soon’s great-grandfather was an intellectual (senbi) who campaigned for independence against Japanese imperialism at the end of the Korean Empire, and he was one of several independence activists who died while trying to rescue several independence fighters imprisoned in the Japanese military police at a time when independence activists were almost extinct in Korea around 1920. After this incident, his great-grandmother and family were unable to live in the neighborhood and lived as a wanderer, but around 1940, Ok-soon’s grandfather was conscripted, and Ok-soon’s great-grandmother was held to the Japanese military sexual slavery.

After liberation, Ok-soon’s grandfather was able to return, while Ok-soon’s great-grandmother almost died of more than 200,000 Japanese military sexual slavery (forced military Japanese Military Sexual Slavery under the Pacific War), so there was no way to know whether Ok-soon’s great-grandmother and other brothers were alive.

Since then, Ok-soon’s grandfather has been sickened by hard labor and atomic bomb damage during conscription, while Ok-soon’s grandfather married and had two daughters, but both his great-grandmother and grandfather died of the Korean War while living in poverty around 1950.

Ok-soon’s mother, the eldest daughter who grew up in an orphanage, married a young man who worked at a plating factory around 1970, gave birth to a daughter (Ok-soon) and a son, and Ok-soon’s father worked overtime to escape poverty. However, Ok-soon’s father died soon after retirement from an occupational disease and overtime work to make up for the low wages at a plating factory in poor environment.

This may be because Korea was a poor country at the time and had no national medical insurance, and industrial accident insurance was not developed. After that, they were reduced to the absolute poor, and Ok-soon had to stop studying for her younger brother’s studies. This decision can be seen as a result of paternalism.

In any case, Ok-soon was in need because she was low-wage, despite working hard in a factory due to desperate circumstances so that she could not feel unfair as a woman, and she was suffering from flirting and sometimes sexual violence by men. In particular, it was difficult for the boss to sexually harass Ok-soon in a superior position or to endure violence.

Ok-soon was eventually fired from her job at the same time as she refused grades, and later worked in a restaurant. Later, as a means of overcoming real-world difficulties, she married a colleague from a former factory. However, the happy moment was only a brief one, and despite the fact that it happened in the situation of a woman forced by the batting average in the factory where she worked, her husband harassed her with beatings and vitriol almost every day, citing the past.

In the midst of this, she gave birth to a daughter and endured severe beatings due to the guilt of failing to comply with Jeongjo’s obligations. This caused hatred toward men to begin to materialize with the attitude of the husband before and after marriage. However, as the husband began an affair and became blatantly promiscuous, Ok-soon came to understand the legitimacy of the passport’s height through labor union experience and TV and media, and at the same time, fought with her husband, leading to family discord and divorced.

In other words, Ok-soon, who had never participated in the women’s movement, was divorced, along with the tendency to emotionally ignore women in a society where paternalism is the mainstream. This may be because the recognition of inequality mixed with traditional values and Western individualistic thinking formed a confrontational relationship between couples.

After that, Ok-soon sold her freedom for bread and even went through the process of commercializing human dignity. Of course, she tried to raise Ok-soon and her daughter well, but she must have experienced that the world is not as easy as female activists say. What’s more unfortunate is that after her divorce, she was caught in the hands of a trafficker while working as a hospitality worker at an entertainment establishment for a living.

In other words, Ok-soon, who was in a situation where money was needed, unwittingly fell into a means of sexual slavery and making money in a clever way. Since then, he has given up being human as a result of the harsh violence of human traffickers and rape by more than ten men every day. Since then, our neighbors have been separated from their daughters, and poor women who have reached an irreparable state between themselves and live through prostitution, curse the world.

There were surprisingly many similarities to human traffickers in the 80s and 90s, and today, sales and spring are becoming commonplace through the Internet, and sexual promiscuity is going too far. Therefore, as in the case of Ok-soon, it can be seen that it is an abnormal society that the number of women in distress is increasing.


2. The commercialization of human beings created by capitalism


Although these cases are not common, the problem is that they cannot be solved even though they are prevalent in society due to an increase in demand for prostitution along with economic growth and a lack of supply.

For example, if you briefly look at some of the women’s phone sexual violence data, “It is a so-called tangchi method in which a woman in her 30s and 40s approaches middle and high school girls and lures them to give them a reward and sells them to a so-called Pilum West.”

After that, he was raped by the Pillar West, and about 10 to 15 people came and went a day, and after being raped for about 20 days, he purposely gave him a chance to run away, and when he was caught again, he made him think that he could not escape and prostitute himself. This is called Yeonggye Baeksuk, which stimulates the sexual desire of customers.

Then, drugs such as cannabis and Hiromong are used to make it impossible to get out of the way, and these organizations are said to have the aspect of secretly symbiotic relationship between human traffickers and columnists as informants in the police and criminal arrests. In the end, all the money received from the flower bed was lost to the column Western, and the debt snowballed into a snowball, and there was no escaping the prostitution.” (121) (What about Seo Jin-young? 274p)

As another example, people are trafficking by stimulating women’s vanity and using bills or household checks to bankrupt them, or by forming bond relationships with malicious bonds. In other words, it can be seen as a case of applying the blind spot of capitalism.

In particular, as it remains deeply hurt by the miserable reality and sexual shame of individuals, it develops into a psychopath, which means an antisocial personality, leading to the devastation of humanity, which causes another social problem. In addition, the pitfalls and methods that women will take have been accumulated for a long time with the emergence of a father-in-law society, and readers think they already know a lot from the reports, so they are omitted.

As such, it can be understood that the lives of the majority of those who failed are broadly and deeply buried, as a few successful people come to the fore and appear frequently like product propaganda. For example, it can be understood that neoliberalism was created due to the increase of the poor due to polarization as capitalism intensifies.

In other words, it has become a dangerous society where the vast majority can fall into poverty. Therefore, it is clear that a political and economic system suitable for cultural beings must be established. In other words, it must be transformed into a new post-capitalist maternal distribution style based on a ‘life of existence’ that balances mental civilization proportional to high-level material civilization, such as the explosive increase in knowledge and information, cutting-edge science and technology, and an astronomical economy today.

In other words, it means that a maternal distribution style suitable for the global village era should be globalized. This is because capitalism has already created a dangerous society by absolute polarization, despite the fact that its system has been revised due to its historical experience of creating imperialism.

However, it will not be easy to transform the capitalist production style into a post-capitalist distribution style because it is true that it served as the driving force behind the development of science and technology. Of course, a political and economic system will be created to universalize the new maternal distribution style required by the global community era by wise humans who conduct scientific and technological advancements and search for truth for human life.


3. Legitimacy of the establishment of maternal democracy


As in the case of Ok-soon, how can we eradicate the harsh life of retrograde civilization? Are there countermeasures for women who can suffer direct damage from the absolute polarization of the development of neoliberalism? What problems do policy decisions based on paternal values create? And how will the new system be implemented? It will be meaningful to establish what institutional devices should be prepared through political and philosophical conceptual analysis and further establish standards for how to operate.

Therefore, we will analyze concepts such as freedom, equality, philanthropy, justice, natural rights, power, and rights as values of modern democratic politics based on natural law, criticize and evaluate reform, and argue that maternal democracy, which reinterprets democracy from a maternal perspective, is suitable for realizing an active welfare society for mankind.

In other words, democracy based on maternal values should be developed into “mother democracy” (mother democracy) in which maternal and paternal families are in political balance. This is because, rather than living in a dangerous society formed by neoliberalism, which is capitalist globalization for mankind in the era of globalization, the distribution of maternal democracy as post-capitalism can be globalized to suppress the mass production of unfortunate women such as Ok-soon’s situation.

In addition, humanity in the era of the global village is becoming an unstable world due to cultural conflicts due to the tendency to emphasize identity for social integration by region as it lives in an era where conflicts explode and become much more complex due to infinite competition.

At the same time, people today are opening their eyes to the ‘life of relationships’ as they vaguely know that they are ‘spiritual beings’ with spiritual devices through cutting-edge science and technology. In other words, it means that you can live a ‘life of possession’ as a cultural being that pioneers your own life, but you have lived a ‘life of possession’ as a spiritual being that can never be satisfied as an ‘economic animal’. Of course, in the matrimonial God-oriented society, humans have lived a ‘life of existence’.

This can be understood from the fact that the mother-in-law society had a sharing system based on sharing as a medium-term mother-in-law society that could understand the mother-in-law society that had maintained peace for tens of thousands of years. In other words, the mother-in-law society based on maternal love believed that humans were descendants of the god-in-law, and it was a decentralized and gentle religious society that guaranteed human dignity as a material basis.

In any case, it can be understood from the fact that most saints (God) speak of maternal values despite the emergence of a paternal society. For example, Dangun (BC 2457) said Hongik Man, Sakyamuni (BC 466-386) said that humans should know themselves as Buddhists, Lao-tzu said life to help and achieve virtue, and Socrates said to know yourself.

Confucius (552-479) also said not to do what he did not want to do to others, Mencius said that the emperor should do royal politics for the people because the will of the people is the will of heaven, and Jesus said, “Do love your neighbors like yourself. From the fact that when dealing with other people’s injustice, you are also treated as injustice, great saints (God) can be understood as saying maternal values.

However, the paternal society that emerged after the maternal neo-mainstream society was transformed into a political society based on private thought as a centralized and efficiency-oriented society as a totalitarian society. For example, even though the old era collapsed due to the civil revolution and a philosophical relativistic democracy was established, paternalism can be understood from the fact that it emerged as a pseudo-democracy such as imperialism, fascism, and Nazism.

In other words, despite the establishment of a modern democratic society, imperialism led to the harsh price of World War I and II. This is because democracy based on maternal values could not develop fully due to the paternal values that dominate the world.

For example, despite the fact that gender equality has been learned at school since childhood by stipulating the prohibition of discrimination in today’s constitution, gender inequality in reality can still be understood from the fact that women gained the right to vote in the early 20th century.

This is due to the fact that despite the fact that democracy is based on maternalism, ecologically democratic maternal forces cannot be properly formed because it is a paternal democracy on the side of the paternal world. Therefore, it can be seen that democracy can be solidified only when a ‘mother democracy’ politics, in which ecologically welfare and democratic women have half the power, is established.

In other words, democracy can be solidified and society can escape from extreme trends only when a decentralized distribution style that balances democracy and paternal values as relativism is generalized. Therefore, it can be seen that democracy can be solidified only when a new system for maternal distribution that can realize real gender equality is established.




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