I firmly believe in the historical experience that the system could change the attitude and humanity of life.

Chapter 4. Conclusion


We already knew that the poor Ok-soon, who was introduced earlier, lived in a society full of contradictions that had to be eaten with tears, even though it was not caused by her own negligence or fault. For example, implicit prostitution is increasing due to the phenomenon of “poverty in abundance” formed by the nature of capitalism, and the morality of collapsing due to the desire for consumption and the stimulation of vanity.

And it can be understood from the fact that vulnerable women easily fall into traps, become slaves of money, and then become slaves of people to live a life of desperation. Therefore, it can be seen that capitalism has limitations in realizing a welfare society.

This is stipulated in Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea that “all citizens have dignity and values as human beings, and have the right to pursue happiness. The state has an obligation to identify and guarantee the basic inviolable human rights of individuals.” However, it can also be understood that this is not the case in reality.

Therefore, it would be meaningful to summarize the arguments made earlier while recalling Ok-soon’s situation. In other words, it was found that the reason why women had a significantly lower social status than men was in laws and institutions created by the cultural climate of the father system bias, starting with political alienation, as a result of examining the values, view of the universe, and cultural differences between the East and the West.

Furthermore, despite the establishment of modern laws and institutions, it was understood that the effectiveness of the anti-discrimination law for gender equality was problematic as the climate of paternalism still remained and dominated consciousness and acted as an emotion. In other words, it means that, as a cultural being, men achieved gender equality while women were slightly superior in the ancient maternal society, but the solidification of gender discrimination in the paternal society, which emerged as a result of changes in the social and natural environment, remains an emotion to this day.

In addition, the maternal society, which developed intuition, explored the equal inner world and respected human democracy (independence. individuality), while the paternal society can be seen as a culture that focuses on the unequal human external real world is still mainstream today.

In other words, humans are cultural beings who reinvent values themselves to adapt to the situation of the times. In other words, humans are cultural beings who allocate values through political control according to the circumstances and needs of the times and regulate desires and aspirations by themselves.

Because humans are rational beings with both selfishness and altruism, they are cultural beings who make political decisions as a practical means of solving human problems to control desire and realize distributive justice based on a survival style (culture) that fits the local situation. For example, it can be understood from the fact that the theocracy, in which men and women participated equally as descendants of God in the mother-in-law society, established a shared distribution pattern consistent with the religious spirit of humans.


1. Consolidation of democracy


As the matriarchal society, which was an integrated Orthodox society, became complicated by population growth and trade expansion due to surplus production, the matriarch was in charge of religion, the core of existence’s life, and the father-in-law was in charge of politics. As a result of the separation of politics and religion, the father-in-law was monopolized.

Of course, despite the fact that women who reinvent humans in the paternal society were partners, they failed to participate in politics and were unable to lead religion, which weakened the religious spirit of humans. Therefore, it can be assumed that if men and women were equal in the maternal society and achieved checks and balances between men and women, they would have lived a happy life as spiritual sensitivity devices developed due to the reinforcement of human religious spirit.

This can be understood from the fact that the matriarchal society was a politics for religion as a unified society, while the paternal society distrusted politics like a symbol of greed due to the violent power struggle caused by proportion to power and possession.

For example, it can be understood from the fact that modern society was established as a result of the suppression of absolute feudalism and the civil revolution triggered by the reaction to the paternal system, and that politics and economy were separated.

Of course, the old era polarized power through absolute feudalism, and modern society polarized into capitalism, which is not much different. However, as capitalism forms an absolute polarization and creates a dangerous society, political uselessness is emerging due to indifference to democratic politics.

In other words, today, as economic liberalism becomes stronger due to absolute polarization, democratic politics is not only facing a crisis, but people’s aggression formed by a negative view of democratic politics itself has become reminiscent of anarchy.

In other words, democratic politics is drifting due to the loss of leadership and limitations even for good political leaders who risk struggle and self-sacrifice as an active service for the anti-Corruption and Civil Rights. However, for human beings as cultural beings, politics must be like a hope that must exist while alive, just as fish cannot live without leaving the water.

Therefore, if you have to make an essential and constant political decision to meet the expectation that tomorrow will be better than today, it is desirable to solidify democracy with mother democracy that can implement economic democratization.

This is because humans not only have the ability to recreate life with a culture they have created themselves to adapt to changes in the environment, but also obey and live by culture (style of life) as a value they have created themselves. In other words, in the era of the global village, newcomers must establish a system to live a ‘life of existence’.

In other words, politics for a ‘life of possession’ that humans cannot be satisfied with should end, and a new political and economic system based on a maternal distribution style for a ‘life of existence’ consistent with human goodness should be established.

In this sense, even political uselessness or anarchism becomes a political act. In other words, unlike simple self-centered animals, as human beings are value-oriented as cultural beings, politics to achieve this is essential.

In other words, humans who want to live a happy life have many restrictions in the real world, and even if they are dissatisfied with the endless conflicts caused by the limitations of reason, they are trying to overcome reality through political decisions.

As a result, it is clear that because human life itself is incomplete, people who are aware that political decisions cannot be perfect are always politically dissatisfied. The degree of dissatisfaction will be the problem.

For instance, it can be understood from the fact that the matriarchal society was a closed society that justified discrimination, while the matriarchal society had relatively few complaints while the men and women were in harmony as a politics for religion.

Of course, the fact that the maternal society had few complaints was a primitive communist system and a small, stagnant society can be attributed to decentralization. This can be understood by comparing it with the fact that centralized corruption was prevalent to maintain a status system that justifies inequality for the permanent rule of winners in a paternal society.

For example, the establishment of a modern society that declared a democratic politics based on human decentralization and the civil revolution gave rise to the decay of the corrupt old era. However, it has been demonstrated that liberal democracy cannot resolve polarization because it is a democratic politics for economic liberalism, despite the fact that democracy is becoming a dangerous society where absolute polarization caused by the capitalist system is driving the crisis.

This is because, despite the fact that dissatisfaction with democratic politics due to difficulties in social integration due to monetaryism, political-business collusion, or normalcy prevails to the extent that it is politically averse, it seeks to solve the problem with neoliberalism, which strengthens liberalism. In other words, the tendency of capitalism to launch anarchy is solidifying as capitalism is based on the passive right of private autonomy, which developed from the strong logic of protecting private property.

This is because the capitalist system was formed in reaction to the old era, when political power was created to perpetuate domination through the polarization of power. In other words, capitalism emerged, refusing state intervention to overcome a society riddled with corruption and violence in which the paternal society was ruthless exploitation to satisfy greed through political power.

For example, in the case of advanced capitalist countries in the imperial era, it can be understood from the fact that they expanded their arms to exercise their power to ensure the effectiveness of their interests and bonds. This can be seen as the same meaning as Hobbs’ claim that ‘a contract without a knife is only a sacrament of words and requires state power’.

The problem is that capitalism created in the soil of paternalism fundamentally rejects state interventionism in principle, but it has become a dangerous society as it causes absolute polarization, such as the polarization of power in the old era, and creates resource depletion, global warming, environmental pollution, and ecosystem destruction.

In other words, despite the fact that the era of high-tech science and technology has been achieved, the vast majority of them have unfortunate lives that ‘ownership life’ does not guarantee a happy life. In other words, it is contrary to the direction of historical development that creates a happy life. Therefore, as post-capitalism, a political culture for a new maternal distribution style should be established.

For example, the new generation living in the global era would be appropriate for a “mother democracy” system that can realize practical gender equality at the compensatory level, starting with the admission that women, one of the pillars of humanity, have been alienated and neutralized for a long time due to paternalism. In other words, given that the direction of historical development is the process of creating a happy life, it is still valid today.

This is because it is possible to overcome the polarization (discrimination) culture only by pursuing the “life of existence” from time immemorial and institutionalizing the mother-in-law, which forms the central power of mankind, as an axis of politics, just as the new mother-in-law society of the mother-in-law realized gender equality through sharing. In other words, as a cultural being, humans have a culture of their own creation and are governed by a culture of their own creation based on a conscience that proves that they are descendants of God, and have overcome discrimination with morality formed through this.

Therefore, as can be seen from the old political culture in which the dominant ruler ruled the dominant, a political culture that can universalize a new maternal distribution style must be formed to expand polarization, inequality, and extreme tendencies, which are the causes of human morality.

In other words, a parent-democratic society that can play a role appropriate to each characteristic of the father-in-law and mother-in-law should be universalized. This is because capitalism must overcome a dangerous society created by polarization and human commercialization as a result of cultivating greed while the politics of the father-in-law remain despite the modern society’s declaration of creating a society consistent with human democracy.

Of course, a de-parental political culture must be formed before creating a new maternal distribution style that presupposes de-polarization. In other words, social consensus must be made to solidify democracy that checks and balances with the paternal and maternal as the axis, and to establish a power structure that is faithful to welfareism, away from the political culture based on paternal values.

Of course, if we recall that modern democracy has been established, along with democratic and scientific thinking based on philosophical relativism that deviated from absolutism, we can understand that democracy is solidifying with the establishment of a new system such as maternal democracy.

And although the maternal family seems to be inferior as we live in a political society on one side of the paternal side to this day, in reality, the maternal society was the prototype society of mankind, a society with a high happiness index, and a paternal society emerged as a result of a tremendous contribution to civilization.

For example, if we recall that a religion that has developed secondary to archetype religion based on maternal love has solved the problem whenever there are urgent human problems, it can be understood from the fact that maternalism has always been one of the pillars of human history development. Therefore, it can be seen that the new people living in the global era are suitable for the distribution of the common system implemented by the new mother-in-law society as the prototype society of humanity.


2. Overcoming a dangerous society


You will be able to understand the causes of the problems that humanity is facing today by looking at the following several points. Of course, there will be another argument on the political side.

First, because neoliberalism, which legitimizes unwelfare and absolute polarization, created in a paternalistic soil that justifies infinite possession, forms a dangerous society, an active welfare society is fundamental. Additionally, vulnerable women are placed in a predicament in an unstable situation.

Of course, even though women, half of humanity, have suffered since the advent of the paternal society and accumulated to this day, it is not the duty of civilized human colleagues and civilized people to continue to put women in trouble since time immemorial, nor will it be the duty of civilized people living together in the era of high-tech science and technology.

In addition, as paternalism does not end, and as we live in the mainstream, motherhood, the centripetal force of mankind, is weakened, most humans perceive civilization as an era of barbarism disguised as a counterattack, and it is transformed into assisting or implicitly sympathizing with the occurrence of groups prepared for annihilation. For example, it can be understood from the fact that in the name of morality, he is committing suicide terrorism that is unlikely to hesitate to even the destruction of the Earth.

Therefore, it can be seen that social consensus and cooperation are needed to establish a system for ecologically welfare and democratic women to have half the power and realize an active welfare society for women who have been discriminated against by the paternal order for thousands of years. For example, in order to realize an active welfare society for human dignity, the state’s payment of basic allowances for family welfare would be an alternative.

Second, despite the abolition of the status system due to the establishment of modern society, it can be understood that supremacy remained based on the fact that slavery was allowed and the fact that it relied only on the conscience of the ruler. Similarly, although modern society, which was established in the name of the Declaration of Human Rights, declared gender equality, unfair competition continued without taking into account the ecological characteristics of men and women in a society of paternal bias. In other words, in reality, women could not escape from a subordinate relationship.

Of course, not much has changed to this day. Therefore, it is understandable that the issue of gender discrimination is desirable to form a system that meets women’s ecological instincts by forming an association on their own and accumulating organizational power like a labor union. In other words, it is necessary to create a political party that represents the state of women in any form, where women form the mainstream, and is based on maternal values.

Even if individual women as socially disadvantaged or women from minority social groups who have failed to organize resist male tyranny, without organized political power against the political system of the paternalism based on paternalism, social sentiment, which is accustomed to downgrading women to chatty people who take a backseat, disperses into individual women and is even victimized.

This is because women who became structurally independent as they became a paternal society were not familiar with the organizational culture. In fact, it can be understood that women are not organized as they live in society relatively later than men even after becoming a modern society through childbirth and rearing.

In other words, for men, the experience of the organization is fast and political, whereas for most women, there is no process of growing up in the organization, or as they participate late, they tend to be individual and not political.

Therefore, it can be seen that there must be a political party in which women are the subject of women, as men organize like paternal homogeneity and remember that they made women the first slaves of mankind, as a closed society recognizes the great benefits of discrimination. Therefore, it is understandable that in order to develop into a good country, it is necessary to support associations or supplement the system in order to realize practical gender equality.

In other words, from a paternalistic point of view, welfare can be seen as a benefit, but from a maternal point of view, welfare is an active right for a happy life, so the government should cooperate to help women realize an active welfare society as a bearer of rights.

This is because even if natural rights are defined by positive laws, it is only a paper tiger if they are not effective as a cultural basis (social sentiment) based on paternal values, just as moral laws without rights are meaningless. Therefore, in order to guarantee the right to happiness as an active human right, it is necessary to globalize the ‘mother democracy’ distribution style that guarantees ‘natural ownership’, which is the material basis for maintaining human dignity.

Third, due to polarization, which is inevitably created by justifying infinite accumulation, capitalism in paternal values leads to excessive competition and overconsumption, along with resource depletion caused by overfishing and reckless development, rare diseases caused by the destruction of the natural environment, warming, and acid rain have become widespread.

In addition, human alienation caused by human commercialization is destabilizing emotions, and extreme competition due to extreme individualism (greedism) and monetism leads to distrust between humans, and humanity is deteriorating as ties, a characteristic of humanity, collapse.

The hatred caused by this led to the advancement of personalization and the development of terrorist technology, and as the solidification of absolute polarization leads to the devastation of humanity, and the formation and proliferation of classes that deny the world itself, it is a serious problem that people who think of nuclear self-destruction by various belief systems are increasing.

It has long been warned that this series of events is due to capitalism that is biased toward individuality rather than human sociality. Of course, as global capitalism, which overlooks these warnings, neoliberalism has accelerated the absolute polarization of 1 to 99, making the future of mankind unhappy and gloomy.

This can also be understood in the fact that while the spread of prostitution and women are plummeting due to sexual existence, the motherhood, which forms the central force of the world, is weakening in inverse proportion to the development of material civilization. The reason why bizarre crimes that gave up being human today and crimes that are ferocious and intelligent are exploding is that human femininity, which will be relatively balanced, is being depleted as an extreme society of paternal bias.

The problem is that if a polarized society formed by disposable life is left unattended for a long time, the incurable state of desperation created by depleting the femininity inherent in humans, humanity cannot afford the collective psychopathic consequences of conviction and packaging the disappearance of humanity due to the cultivation of hatred.

For example, as we approach step by step without realizing that we can attempt to annihilate by nuclear weapons, the fact that there are times when things that have been done come true can be understood from the fact that we have already dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, which ended the Pacific War, and experienced tremendous damage through the nuclear power plant accident caused by a tsunami in Fukushima, Japan, in March 2011, and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in 1986.

This can be seen as a result of aiming for a one-time ‘life of possession’ as the maternal society, which understood the inner world through intuition, learned of the immortal ‘I’, but the paternal society did not know about the inner world for various reasons due to the external packaging.

For reference, just as the material changes into various forms and is eternal in the belief of the “harmonious copy” of the mother-in-law’s society, humans were thought to be beings that circulate and progress into matter and soul, and the soul is an element, and even though they have the same properties, they are different in content.

As a result of trying to understand the outside world through the exploration of the inside world of humans, the society based on paternalism tried to understand the inside world through the outside world, and it can be seen that the result of irresponsible actions was catastrophic because material became the subject and humans were alienated due to possessiveness.

In other words, when humans become more greedy than necessary, they become unnatural and unstable, and the result of invisible arrogance damages the majority. As a result of the extreme cultivation of greed due to capitalism, it is clear that we must prepare a system that can overcome a dangerous society through absolute polarization and practice adaptation.

Of course, it means that we should practice living in an active welfare society based on the maternal distribution style, such as the distribution style of the mother-in-law new capitalist society, which embodied the “life of existence” as a shared system created to enjoy material by balancing the inside and the outside.

Of course, it is based on the recent report by anthropologists that the maternal new capitalist society with the maternal God, the goddess of salvation, was a rich and peaceful world by practicing sharing as a condition for living a happy life, the purpose of circular progress.

And considering that the society of the new mother-in-law as a mid-term mother-in-law believes that humans are descendants of the mother-in-law and values autonomous life by human conscience, it is more humane and reliable than the natural law that opened modern society.

Therefore, it can be understood that the paternal distribution style that makes all of humanity live an unfortunate life must come to an end, recalling that many people are historically developing to enjoy happiness, the ultimate purpose of life. This is because despite fully understanding the foolishness of humans who have already fallen into slavery of material through the experiences of World War I and World War II triggered by imperialism as a result of the globalization of capitalism, they stuck to the paternal distribution style and became a dangerous society.


3. The globalization of mother democracy to cultivate selflessness


Finally, Eric From (1900-1980) emphasized the importance of existence in his book, Possession or Existence (1976). This reminds us that if mankind wants to live a sustainable life, it must develop into a life that can coexist.

This is because if capitalism creates an absolute polarized society of 1:99 only by motivating self-interest, it eventually loses its meaning as a loner who cannot get help from anyone due to the collapse of solidarity between humans.

In other words, just as a loach in a boiling pot dives into the tofu to live, but everyone dies, the polarization created by selfish capitalism justifying infinite accumulation warns that while sickening the world, it can lead to an incurable and dangerous society that threatens its existence. In other words, it is recommended that a post-capitalist society be established.

This is because human beings not only have social responsibility as subjective beings, but also have to live in a balance between selfishness and altruism, but human degradation was widespread due to altruism that rapidly decreased as capitalism cultivated burning selfishness.

For example, it can be understood from the fact that despite the formation of a dangerous society from capitalism, neoliberalism, which is faithful to capitalism that has been upgraded rather than solved, rejected the administrative (welfare) state in principle, leading humanity to a difficult life. Of course, it is also true that democratic control that balances human selfishness and altruism does not work properly.

Therefore, Eric Fromm, who lived in turbulent times, can understand that it is regressive and an error to develop history into neoliberalism, based on the fact that imperialism created by capitalist attributes suggested a post-capitalist “life of existence” as an alternative through two world wars.

As a result of humanity’s hope for the end of capitalism by considering socialism as an alternative as a new distribution style at the time, it is natural to develop history as an active welfare society if we recall that the growth of ecologically democratic and welfare-oriented women has been remarkably achieved since liberalism made a concession to democracy.

In addition, it is true that a capitalist society based on the ‘life of possession’ is creating a dangerous society due to the cultivation of a capitalist mind. Therefore, it can be seen that neoliberalism is the idea of a desperate measure created by the contradiction of capitalism.

National capitalism, for example, was able to overcome some polarization by revitalizing the market through political decisions of free competition, but today, as the world enters the era of global capitalism, chronic fiscal deficits caused by unlimited competition along with global division of labor, free trade, and the revitalization of international finance have led to an increase in public burden, explosive welfare demand, absolute polarization, and stagflation, and those who give up being human beings are potential huge forces.

Therefore, it can be seen that in order for mankind to overcome a dangerous society, history must develop into the ‘life of existence’ suggested by Elixprom. In other words, as a procedural definition for liberalism, democracy must be solidified into economic democracy (economic democratization) beyond democracy. In other words, it means that the realization of an active welfare society must be globalized by establishing ‘mother democracy’ as a complete democracy.

In any case, as neoliberalism, which is faithful to the nature of capitalism, encourages political parties for party politics, the shrine of political parties, and the so-called “normal politics,” which has a large number of commercial politicians, democratic authority is ignored due to political distrust. In other words, democratic politics faces a crisis if the number of normal political leaders exceeds 80%, and politics degenerates into a means for capitalists to accumulate capital.

In other words, it becomes a dangerous society due to a number of negative problems that arise as capitalism develops. In other words, it is the result of capitalism’s excessive emphasis on the ‘life of possession’, despite the fact that democracy as an ideal of mankind is a means for a happy life and the purpose of historical development, which is the primary duty of democracy. This is because capitalism cultivates greed like ability to forget the ‘life of existence’, the ideal of democracy.

In other words, since the establishment of modern society through the civil revolution, humans have acquired the right to decide on their own distribution for a happy life as a subject, so humanity is not only obligated to protect and solidify democracy, but the newcomers living in the global era should realize that it is the responsibility of the newcomers to live a “life of existence” by realizing an active welfare society with motherhood, a complete democracy, away from half democracy.

In other words, half (formal) democracy, in which democracy is modified as liberalism, cannot fulfill its democratic political obligations to determine a reasonable distribution style through social consensus, so humanity should establish a complete democracy that matches form and content and strive for globalization of active welfare society.

Of course, it will not be difficult to recall the society of the mother-in-law as a mid-term mother-in-law society that lived a “life of existence” as a democratic lifestyle. This is because humans have adapted, branched, blossomed, and lived to this day through self-created lifestyles according to the circumstances of the times, and have lived to this day by cultivating the ability to bear social responsibility for coexistence while following the lives and teachings of newcomers (adults).

This is also because humans who have lived through maternal love as their centripetal force are immortal good beings that can never be destroyed. Of course, the fact that humans are fundamentally wise and good is based on the ultimate purpose of human life in an archetype society, the maternal neo-bonist society, as a descendant of God, in order to make sharing a daily life and become fresh through numerous cycles and progress.

Therefore, considering that the mother-in-law society lived a “life of existence” by exploring the inside and the father-in-law society explored the outside and lived a “life of possession,” it can be seen that the newcomers who have to live in the global era should historically develop into a new mother-in-law democratic system in which father-in-law and mother-in-law coexist for a happy life.

In other words, capitalism that creates a dangerous society while segmenting human bonds is inappropriate in the global village era as it needs to strengthen bonds between humans. In other words, in the global village era, the mother democracy’s “upper and lower limits” distribution style that guarantees the material basis necessary for the realization of an active welfare society that prioritizes the “life of existence” is appropriate.

Of course, humanity, which has been reborn as a rookie in the era of the global community, has the ability to balance human individuality and sociality, and at the same time, is enabled by cutting-edge science and technology that can balance ownership and existence. As this already appears as a ‘social enterprise’, an improvement in the quality of life, a green life movement, and life politics, it can be expected that the day when the maternal distribution style as an economic democracy will be globalized will not be long.

This is because matriarchal or paternal societies in various regions have emerged due to changes in each regional environment, but it is the same in any society to live a happy life, the ultimate goal of life. Therefore, just as humans increased the happiness index by becoming women the subject in maternal, it can be seen that an active welfare society can be realized only when ecologically welfare women in the world become the subject of life politics for the welfare of the community in the future.

Of course, although modern society guarantees the effectiveness of gender equality as an anti-discrimination law, it is true that most women are politically and economically powerless, and can they actually become the subjects of new politics as they remain in the auxiliary role of the father’s family? We doubt the ability. This is probably because the results accumulated by the solidification of paternal values and paternal supremacy (elitist) logic dominate our consciousness.

Capitalism, which causes absolute polarization, will be expelled by the human consciousness revolution that prioritizes the ‘life of existence’, just as the corrupt old era was expelled by the civil revolution due to the polarization of power. In addition, it can be seen that the definition of the absoluteist philosopher Plato, who said that the stable social requirements of ancient Greek should be limited to less than five times the average income of others, is still valid today.

In the distributive definition of Aristotle, who was a relativistic philosopher as a disciple of Plato, it is similar to the argument that a harmonious society must be achieved as the first condition. Therefore, it can be seen that if individual assets are more than five times the social average on a 10-year basis, it is desirable to return them to funds or taxes to achieve a “wealth balance” with a grace period of less than five times.

Additionally, as the market’s automatic coordination is possible with an appropriate size and competition due to the maternal distribution method, the surplus value accumulated can be distributed to the mother in urgent need. Of course, what has been returned as a tax is an active right of the mother, which can be used to finance the right to claim allowances for family welfare, such as childbirth and parenting, or the part that cannot be recovered as a tax can be covered by honorable donations.

This is because the state must secure financial resources to pay the mother a family allowance, which is a compensation for actual expenses to consider the elderly and the weak in large families with the characteristics of family welfare or social welfare. Therefore, it can be seen that the ‘ownership limit system’, which supplements the unnatural error of paternalism that justifies infinite accumulation with the ‘ownership limit system’, and guarantees ‘natural ownership’ by maternalism, creates a harmonious society.

In any case, I thought that the Earth was a place to come back or prepare to travel to another planet, and that the reason why it was cultivated on Earth was to correct prejudice. This can be seen as a reason why humans should make the world a better place to live as a rational being.

Of course, newcomers are capable of realizing the ‘life of existence’, which was the aspiration of mankind since time immemorial. However, as a capitalist globalization (global), neoliberalism seeks to strengthen the ‘life of possession’ by realizing a minimum government as a post-welfare state beyond the land ownership cap, heavy taxation of holding taxes, heavy inheritance and gift taxes, welfare expansion, interference in market normalization, and reinforcement of bureaucracy.

In other words, it has not developed into an active welfare society suitable for the global village era following a passive welfare state that has advanced from non-clinical liberalism. Of course, today’s society recognizes that an active welfare society can only be realized when paternalism is over, suggesting a number of alternatives to prepare for a post-capitalist society.

This can be seen as a result of the conviction that a happy life is in the life of existence because the human mind is tired of ‘the life of possession’ ‘the life of a relationship’. Of course, it can be seen that wise humans with infinite imagination are cultural beings that can change the situation as a culture of their own creation, so it can be seen that they have the confidence to overcome an extreme society by creating a system for a life of mutual prosperity.

As a result of longing for human welfare since time immemorial, it is reasonable to understand that the development of advanced science and technology by automation technology, infinite use of information and communication computers, and diversification of transportation means as a means to realize an active welfare state rather than polarization caused by capital accumulation.




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