고 이예람씨의 살신성인
고 이예람씨의 살신성인 얼마 전 극단적 선택을 한 공군 중사 고 이예람씨의 명복을 빕니다. 모두가 자신을 죽였다고 하는 말이 왜 그렇게 마음에 남는지~ 여성 인권 문제를 오랫동안 다루어 왔지만, 아직도 변하지 못한 상황을 생각하니 미안한 마음이 듭니다. 사실 변명 같지만, 이일은 인류문화의 변화에 관한 문제로, 풀어야 할 것이 많아 어렵습니다. 특히 여성계에 진입이 어려운 남성으로서 … Read more
모계적 가치에서 발현된 디지털 혁명은 성평등을 구현한다.
상대의 성을 존중하며, 쌓아 가는 공공선은 적극적 복지사회를 만드는 원동력이 됩니다.
Respect the sex of the other person and the public good that builds up becomes the driving force behind the creation of an active welfare society.
In a democratic society established with maternal values, women deserve to be the subjects of human dignity.
Part II. Human Dignity Chapter 1. The Age of Human Dignity The dictionary meaning of human rights is that ‘the fundamental right in human survival, formally speaking, is the right to be guaranteed first before the constitution, which is the basic law of the state.’ Even though human rights are important as a … Read more
I firmly believe in the historical experience that the system could change the attitude and humanity of life.
Chapter 4. Conclusion We already knew that the poor Ok-soon, who was introduced earlier, lived in a society full of contradictions that had to be eaten with tears, even though it was not caused by her own negligence or fault. For example, implicit prostitution is increasing due to the phenomenon of “poverty in abundance” … Read more
As capitalism grows with fear, it creates a dangerous society and alienates humans, so it presents post-capitalism.
Chapter 3. The happy life of a new generation 1. A history of human dignity 1.1 The dignity of a mother-rights society Since the primitive maternal society for tens of thousands of years was a stagnant society where the concept of time coexisted with the ancient and present was not clear, it can … Read more
In a democratic society embodied in maternal values, it should be natural to want a democratic distribution style.
Chapter 2. Beyond capitalism According to the French Declaration of Human Rights, “the principle of all sovereignty is essentially with the people.” Today, however, as complexity increases and specializes, the bureaucracy of the administrative state is enlarged and centralized, and the meaning of sovereign residents is practically disappearing. In other words, domestic politics is … Read more